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| CHARLES PLUMLEY: Vermont’s vociferously anti-Communist Republican Congressman (1934-1950) who might be called the state’s own McCarthy. |
ANDREW NUQUIST: A University of Vermont political science professor who challenged Plumley in 1946 and was accused of being a Communist sympathizer. | |
| LUTHER McNAIR: Dean of Students at Lyndon State College who was forced to resign due to his support for Henry Wallace in the presidential campaign of 1948. |
WILLIAM LOEB: A virulent anti-Communist whose publishing empire began with the St. Albans Messenger and the Burlington Daily News. | |
| ROCKWELL KENT: World-famous artist whose Burlington appearance in support of Henry Wallace caused controversy. |
JAMES HAYFORD: Vermont farmer, poet, and teacher who was a Wallace delegate at the Progressive Party 1948 convention. | |
| VILHJALMUR STEFANSSON: Famed Arctic explorer and part-time Bethel resident, whose controversial land sale in July 1950 put Vermont on the nation’s front pages. |
LUCILLE MILLER: A Bethel native who appointed herself “Vermont’s Number One Red-Hunter.” | |
| JOHN DRYSDALE: Publisher and editor of the White River Valley Herald, whose editorials took on McCarthy’s charges of Communist influence in Vermont. |
ALEX NOVIKOFF: Biochemist at the University of Vermont Medical School, who was dismissed by the college’s trustees because of his former Communist Party membership. | |
| ARNOLD SCHEIN: Alex Novikoff’s chief defender on the University of Vermont faculty. |
RALPH FLANDERS: Vermont’s Republican Senator, who led the Senate campaign to censure McCarthy. | |
| ROBERT MITCHELL: Publisher and editor of the Rutland Herald, who wrote many influential editorials supporting Flanders’ efforts. |
CARMELITA HINTON: The founder of the Putney School, whose children William and Joan became supporters of the Communist Chinese regime. | |
| BERNARD O’SHEA: Publisher of the Swanton Courier, the only newspaper attacking the charges against Alex Novikoff at UVM. |
WILLIAM MEYER: Forester from West Rupert and supporter of nuclear disarmament who in 1958 became the first Democrat in 104 years to be elected to the House of Representatives. | |
| WILLIAM HINTON AND JOAN HINTON ENGST – Children of Carmelita Hinton who became dedicated followers of Communist China. |
LOUIS WYMAN – New Hampshire Attorney General who investigated suspected Communist indoctrination at the University of New Hampshire. | |
| PAUL SWEEZY – Marxist economist and part-time New Hampshire resident who came under attack by Wyman. |