Cast of Characters

CHARLES PLUMLEY: Vermont’s vociferously anti-Communist Republican Congressman (1934-1950) who might be called the state’s own McCarthy.
ANDREW NUQUIST: A University of Vermont political science professor who challenged Plumley in 1946 and was accused of being a Communist sympathizer.
LUTHER McNAIR: Dean of Students at Lyndon State College who was forced to resign due to his support for Henry Wallace in the presidential campaign of 1948.
WILLIAM LOEB: A virulent anti-Communist whose publishing empire began with the St. Albans Messenger and the Burlington Daily News.
ROCKWELL KENT: World-famous artist whose Burlington appearance in support of Henry Wallace caused controversy.
JAMES HAYFORD: Vermont farmer, poet, and teacher who was a Wallace delegate at the Progressive Party 1948 convention.
VILHJALMUR STEFANSSON: Famed Arctic explorer and part-time Bethel resident, whose controversial land sale in July 1950 put Vermont on the nation’s front pages.
LUCILLE MILLER: A Bethel native who appointed herself “Vermont’s Number One Red-Hunter.”
JOHN DRYSDALE: Publisher and editor of the White River Valley Herald, whose editorials took on McCarthy’s charges of Communist influence in Vermont.
ALEX NOVIKOFF:  Biochemist at the University of Vermont Medical School, who was dismissed by the college’s trustees because of his former Communist Party membership.
ARNOLD SCHEIN: Alex Novikoff’s chief defender on the University of Vermont faculty.
RALPH FLANDERS: Vermont’s Republican Senator, who led the Senate campaign to censure McCarthy.
ROBERT MITCHELL: Publisher and editor of the Rutland Herald, who wrote many influential editorials supporting Flanders’ efforts.
CARMELITA HINTON: The founder of the Putney School, whose children William and Joan became supporters of the Communist Chinese regime.
BERNARD O’SHEA: Publisher of the Swanton Courier, the only newspaper attacking the charges against Alex Novikoff at UVM.
WILLIAM MEYER: Forester from West Rupert and supporter of nuclear disarmament who in 1958 became the first Democrat in 104 years to be elected to the House of Representatives.
WILLIAM HINTON AND JOAN HINTON ENGST – Children of Carmelita Hinton who became dedicated followers of Communist China.
LOUIS WYMAN – New Hampshire Attorney General who investigated suspected Communist indoctrination at the University of New Hampshire.
PAUL SWEEZY – Marxist economist and part-time New Hampshire resident who came under attack by Wyman.